The Gaming Guild Presents: D&D Adventurers League Online Hot Sale

Join us on Monday nights for regularly occurring Dungeons and Dragons adventures! We will host the first part of a 10 part story for a month and each following month we will run the next part of the story. The first part will run from December 30th through January 27th so you don t need to sign up for multiple sessions unless you really want to! It will be the same adventure each week.
Each event will start at 5:00pm and be hosted in our private game room (for ambience and free drinks!). For this first leg of the story, you will need a level 1 character. We recommend you bring dice (or you can buy some here!), a character sheet (or method for tracking your character s info), and your imagination!
Part 2 of the adventure will begin in February! Stay tuned!
Additional Information
Date | January 20th, January 27th, February 3rd – pt 2, February 10th – pt 2, February 17th – pt 2, February 23th – pt 2 |